Have you received an invoice from EasyFreelance?

Have you received an invoice from EasyFreelance? Or has someone who works for you said they want to use Frilans Finans for invoicing? Here we provide you with information about how Frilans Finans works and answer any questions you may have as the recipient of the invoice.

Girl sending invoices to her customer

Who is EasyFreelance?

EasyFreelance makes it possible for private individuals who do not have a limited company or sole proprietorship to work and be paid for assignments as self-employed persons. The person who works as a self-employed person during the period of an assignment becomes an employee of EasyFreelance. In connection with an assignment, the contractor creates an invoice based on the current work effort and agreed price. On this basis, EasyFreelance creates an invoice to the client. EasyFreelance then pays the contractor's salary and assumes full employer responsibility.

Why have I received an invoice?

If you have received an invoice from EasyFreelance, it is because the person you expected to send the invoice does not have their own company. EasyFreelance enables invoicing without your own company through us. Everyone who works as a self-employed person is employed by EasyFreelance, which takes care of invoicing, administration and payroll. Under the description on the invoice, you will find information about who has chosen to use EasyFreelance, a description of the work and what you have to pay.

Invoice template from EasyFreelance.

What do I do if there is an error on the invoice?

If you have received an incorrect invoice from us, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible. The easiest way to dispute an invoice is to send an email to hr@easyfreelance.no. In the email, state the invoice number (which can be found at the top of the invoice PDF) and why you consider the invoice to be incorrect.

Person wondering about how to use easyfreelance

Can we use EasyFreelance for other contractors?

Yes! EasyFreelance offers management of contractors, freelancers, consultants or additional personnel. Please contact us through hr@easyfreelance.no for more information.

Two people agreeing on a deal.

What are the benefits of EasyFreelance?

EasyFreelance is a service for freelancers who want to simplify their everyday life. With us, they get rid of all the stress of running their own business, but still retain all the benefits of running their own business.

We also offer services to companies that use one or more contractors, freelancers or consultants. With us, you have a service for follow-up and payment.

Three happy people celebrating time off
Invoice template from EasyFreelance.Person wondering about how to use easyfreelanceTwo people agreeing on a deal.Three happy people celebrating time off

We have invoiced companies such as:

Read more about what our customers say about us.

"Perfect for me who only has 3-4 freelance assignments a year, but still wants to be able to invoice. For a small portion of the profit, I can completely avoid thinking about paper exercises and concentrate on what I do best."


"Been using EasyFreelance for over a year. Makes life much easier for freelancers. There were some delays in some transactions, but the support team was very helpful.


"I've been trying EasyFreelance for quite a while now and it seems like a well constructed place for handling business. Super solid piece of work. Works without glitches, and makes day to day business easy."


"I had a fantastic experience with EasyFreelance! Their team was incredibly kind and responsive. Within just 5 minutes all my questions were resolved. I highly recommend EasyFreelance for their efficient and friendly service."


"Excellent, user-friendly service at a competitive price, would definitely recommend this to others!"


"Not only did they provide quick responses, but the team also showed a genuine understanding of the difficulties I was facing. They showed a high level of empathy and compassion, which made me feel heard and valued. This personal touch relieved the stress and frustration significantly. 10/10 in every way!!!"


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We do this together! Whether you're a freelancer, consultant or extra work, we want to be there for you. That's why it costs nothing to create an account with us. You only pay us when your clients pay you.