GDPR Policy

EasyFreelance values your personal data and we welcome the law (GDPR) that aims to strengthen the protection of personal integrity. In this policy, we describe how we process personal data. If you have any questions, you may find answers to them in this text, or you can send a question to or call our customer service.

Collection of personal data

We need to collect personal data in order to hire an independent contractor. In order for EasyFreelance to process personal data, we must have a legal basis/legal ground. Processing of personal data is lawful if the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (such as the one we need to be able to enter into with the independent contractor).

Processing is also lawful if the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which EasyFreelance is subject.

The processing may also be done according to a balancing of interests, where EasyFreelance's interest in processing information is balanced against the interest of the registrant's privacy protection, and the result is that there is a legitimate interest.

Processing is furthermore lawful if the data subject has given consent to the processing. Consent must be provided separately and can always be revoked.

Legal basis for collection and processing

Oppfyllelse av avtale - Dette krever at vi kan behandle personopplysninger for å kunne inngå eller oppfylle avtaler. Formålet er å administrere vilkår, som kan innebære utbetaling av lønn eller å kontakte den uavhengige entreprenøren. For at vi skal kunne oppfylle vår del av avtalen som arbeidsgiver kan det i visse tilfeller kreves at EasyFreeance deler personopplysninger om den ansatte til vår klient, (som har bestilt et oppdrag fra den uavhengige oppdragstakeren). Hvis det finnes ansettelse, er vi pålagt å informere deg kontinuerlig om problemer som påvirker din stilling (som arbeidsmiljørelaterte spørsmål).

Juridisk forpliktelse - EasyFreelance behandler og deler personopplysninger på grunn av forpliktelsene som oppstår gjennom lov eller andre lover, myndighetsforskrifter, vedtak, forespørsler eller retningslinjer. Personopplysninger og de dokumenter som kreves i regnskapsloven oppbevares så lenge det er nødvendig. Dokumentasjon for bokføring og regnskap kan bestå av avtaler, skriftlig korrespondanse og fakturaer. Behandling av personopplysninger er påkrevd siden vi for eksempel må sende inn personopplysninger til den svenske skattemyndigheten og andre myndigheter og nasjonale organisasjoner.

Oppfyllelse av avtale/legitime interesser - EasyFreeance behandler personopplysninger ved å analysere og behandle statistikk. For denne behandlingen kan vi bruke både krypterte og pseudonymiserte data. Målet med denne behandlingen er å forbedre vår virksomhet og fortsette å tilby våre ansatte og kunder god service, funksjonalitet og tjenester.

EasyFreelance bruker informasjonskapsler på våre nettsider for å kunne tilby en bedre brukeropplevelse for våre besøkende. Vi kan utføre visse tester på nettstedet vårt som gir oss statistikk om hvordan en bestemt funksjon på siden vår er brukervennlig eller ikke. En informasjonskapsel er en tekstfil som lagres på enheten din slik at nettstedet vårt kan gjenkjenne enheten din. Hvis du vil vite når enheten din mottar en informasjonskapsel, kan du stille inn nettleseren din slik at den varsler deg om dette. (På den måten har du mulighet til å godta eller avvise en informasjonskapsel). Hvis du kun besøker det åpne nettstedet, gir ikke informasjonskapslene oss informasjon som inneholder personopplysninger, da tilbyr de kun statistikk og anonym informasjon, for eksempel veien inn til nettstedet vårt. EasyFreelance kan bruke systemer som Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Facebook, Bing etc. for å lage målgrupper i annonseplattformer.

EasyFreelance mener det er en berettiget interesse i å opprettholde en brukervennlig side og gode tjenester, men at dette også er et krav for at vi skal kunne oppfylle vår del av avtalen.

EasyFreelance behandler dine personopplysninger ved å håndtere sakshistorikk for å kunne tilby deg kundestøtte og for å kontinuerlig lære opp våre ansatte og forbedre våre arbeidsmetoder for å kunne tilby best mulig support. Når du kontakter oss kan kommunikasjonen være gjenstand for analyse. Vi forventer at for å kunne oppfylle vår del av avtalen, skal vi kunne tilby god kundestøtte (som er en av tjenestene vi får betalt for). Vår kundestøtte er en av våre viktigste kommunikasjonsmidler med våre ansatte. For ikke-ansatt mener vi at det er i vår og registrerte berettigede interesse at vi kan tilby god kundestøtte, men også slik at vi kan inngå en avtale.

Hvis og når vi trenger å få kredittopplysninger for å kunne yte vår tjeneste EasyPay, er det både for å oppfylle avtalen og i vår legitime interesse at vi behandler dine personopplysninger til dette formålet. Hvis du ikke vil at vi skal foreta en kredittsjekk, bør du ikke velge EasyPay-tjenesten.

Grunnleggende betydning for de registrerte - EasyFreelance kan behandle personopplysninger som for eksempel nærmeste avhengige av en Uavhengig Leverandør når vi mener det kan være nødvendig for å beskytte interesser som er av grunnleggende betydning for deg som ansatt. Det er imidlertid ditt valg om du vil gi oss denne informasjonen eller ikke.

Legitime interesser - EasyFreelance kan henvende seg til den uavhengige leverandøren med direkte markedsføring som vi anser som en legitim interesse når vi skal informere om eksisterende eller nye tjenester. Vi markedsfører både våre eksisterende og nye tjenester som kan ha som formål å gi flere arbeidsmuligheter for den uavhengige entreprenøren eller for å tilrettelegge for de daglige aktivitetene når den uavhengige entreprenøren er ansatt hos oss. EasyFreelance kan til dette formål bruke personopplysninger som vi har lagret og enkelte brukerdata. Den legitime interessen for denne behandlingen er å optimalisere våre tjenester og prosesser for å gi de beste tjenestene for den uavhengige leverandøren på lang sikt og informere om nyheter. Det er alltid en mulighet til å protestere mot å motta markedsføringsinformasjon og den registrerte kan i hver e-post velge å ikke motta mer markedsføring fra oss.


To enable data subjects to receive information that is of interest only to them, we wish to use personal data for profiling. For this, we need consent. Profiling means that we process personal data by collecting, storing, processing and analyzing data in order to provide offers that match the data subjects and their personal needs. From the personal profile, they will then receive information about services and products that may be of interest to them, or that in some way facilitate their work role and relationship with us. In order to consent to this, you must be at least 18 years of age. You do not need to give consent to become an independent contractor. A consent can always be withdrawn under account settings.

What categories of personal data are processed

The categories of personal data that EasyFreelance needs to process and store in order to enter into an agreement with the independent contractor are the following:
- Name
- National identity number
- E-mail
- Telephone number
- Address
- Professional title
- Occupation
- Working environment
- Account number
- Identification documents

For those who are or have been employed, the following is also processed:
- Employee number
- Date of employment
- End date
- Form of employment
- Work periods
- Salary
- Tax card and information
- Employment contract

It is voluntary to provide contact information about the closest relevant to you.

We collect personal data in various ways, most often this happens when the data subject creates an account and provides us with the information or we may receive it from a client. However, personal data may also be collected because the data subject contacted us, for example through our customer support.

Time period

EasyFreelance stores and processes personal data as needed for those who performed assignments as independent contractors according to law and this is deleted within ten years from the last salary paid by us. The categories stored are those needed for legitimate purposes.

For data subjects who never performed assignments as independent contractors and whose accounts have been inactive for three years, EasyFreelance will automatically delete their accounts. The account will then be deleted three years from registration if the registrants do not actively choose to save their account. An account is considered to be inactive if the registered account holder has never been employed by us and has not logged into their account for three years.

Personal data received by customer support will be deleted after one to three years, if the information is not needed for a longer period of time due to identified objective or legal reasons.

Recipients and suppliers

EasyFreelance shares personal data with various recipients. This may be various suppliers of IT systems, case management systems or personal data being shared with the bank, where the bank processes this for payment of salary.

EasyFreelance also provides personal data to other recipients such as authorities, if we are obliged by law or other decision by the authority to provide this.

In most cases, our customers (the one who buys the assignment performed by the independent supplier) need access to and process the independent supplier's personal data. Most often, the clients themselves collect the necessary personal data directly from the independent contractor, however, sometimes it is collected through EasyFreelance.

The legal basis for us to share personal data to our client is to fulfill or enter into an employment contract that the independent contractor is, or intends to be, part of. EasyFreelance has, when required by law, a data processing agreement with the recipient of personal data.

Transfer to a third party country

Recipients and suppliers can be established both within the EU/EEA and in a third country. In a third country, GDPR legislation does not apply. If EasyFreelance transfers personal data to a third country, we check that there is either an adequate level of protection in the country or that there are special guarantees that the information and your rights are protected. Adequate safeguards may be that the transfer is regulated by standardized contractual clauses that protect the data subjects' rights or by internal company rules. The standard contractual clauses mentioned have a content that aims to ensure that the contractor will live up to the standard required by the GDPR and ensure that the integrity of the data subject is safeguarded.

The countries that the European Commission has determined have an adequate level of protection can be found here:

‍The standard contractual
clauses that the European Commission approved and that we use can be found at:

Increased protection of personal data

EasyFreelance takes so-called appropriate technical and organizational steps to increase the protection of your personal data.
Examples include:
- Encryption,
- Agreements and Procedures,
- Internal register of personal data,
- Impact assessment,
- Information minimization
- Limiting access to personal data within the company.

We value access to personal data and do not allow unauthorized persons to access it. (EasyFreelance has confidentiality agreements with consultants working for the company).

Your rights and how to use them

Under the law, data subjects have certain rights they can claim from the data controller. In most cases, you can exercise these rights free of charge. We will respond to a request without undue delay, usually within one month.

Your rights mean that you can,
- get a confirmation of whether we process your personal data (and if so, your personal data is processed in accordance with what is mentioned here),- get a copy of the personal data that we process,
- object to processing or request so-called data portability, restrict the processing of your personal data, have your personal data rectified,- have your personal data deleted, or
- request withdrawal of consent (this does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before it was withdrawn).

To withdraw consent regarding profiling, you can uncheck the box you checked when you submitted your consent. You can find the box on your profile in our application (requires you to log in). If you wish to exercise any of your other rights, please send an email to

It is possible to complain to the supervisory authority in Sweden/Norway if you believe that our processing of your personal data is incorrect.

Rectification of personal data

If you change your name, address or contact information, or if you discover incorrect information, it is your responsibility to change your information in your account so that it is updated and correct. EasyFreelance always wants to have correct information about you and we will do what we can to ensure that your information is updated. If your personal data is subject to rectification or erasure, EasyFreelance will notify the recipients of your personal data, provided that EasyFreelance finds it possible and not unreasonably burdensome.

Under age
For underage independent contractors, we have a specialized privacy policy that is adapted and describes the processing we do in relation to the personal data of data subjects under the age of 18.

Contact a dataprotection officer
If you need to contact our data protection officer, you can always call customer support or send an email to

Archiving consent
Since EasyFreelance has the burden of proof that any consent has been obtained and stored.